Negotiation And Influencing

Master the Art of Negotiation

Achieving Success in Business and Beyond

It is common to think negotiating is all about content and what you are negotiating. Experience shows that a process based on psychology and behaviour will have far more impact on the outcome.

Unlock Strategic Solutions and Amplify Influence in Every Interaction

Negotiation and Influencing are pivotal across professional and personal realms. Mastering these skills transforms business operations, refines leadership styles, and enriches daily interactions. Whether focusing on conflict resolution, agreements, or workplace dynamics, negotiation underpins success. Persuasion, negotiation and social influence are among the Top 15 skills employers see rising in prominence in the workforce of today.

Negotiation is about designing solutions that maximise outcomes for multiple stakeholders who all have different motivators. A systematic approach to managing the process of negotiation is critical to understand individual motivators and achieve optimum results.

Negotiation Founded On Proven Principles

Infinye has partnered with ENS – a company with 40+ years’ expertise and THE leader in negotiation and influencing – to support our clients’ aims to achieve both short-term and long-term goals in every negotiation scenario. The ENS methodology will give you the tools to achieve more than you thought possible – whether you need to grow your business, revenue, your people, your performance or your career.

The ENS methodology for negotiation is very closely aligned to the approach we employ with all our solutions. That has allowed our clients to immediately see results as they apply the straightforward concepts centred around fundamental human behavior to every negotiation.

Be Empowered for Success!

Master Negotiation and Influence for Lasting Impact

Every Interaction presents an Opportunity to Understand, Influence and Effectively Communicate for Mutual Outcomes.